Woodland PTO
The Woodland Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is organized for the purpose of supporting the education of children at Woodland Elementary. As a volunteer group of parents and teachers, the PTO works to provide students with enriching activities, teachers with additional support, and parents with opportunities to be involved in their child's education.
Monthly PTO meetings are open to the public and are held every third Wednesday at 3:30 pm in the Woodland Elementary library.
For more information, check out the PTO Facebook page or send an email to ccwoodlandpto@gmail.com.
Woodland Box Top Information
Simply tape 10 box tops on to a half sheet of paper, or use the forms that come home with your student before each store date.
See www.boxtops4education.com for more information on collecting Box Tops.
See below for the Box Top Flier and Sheets Documents.
Get Involved
The more people involved, the more the PTO can do for our school!
You can join the PTO and be a part of the decision-making and big-picture planning. We also have many ways for people to volunteer, such as:
Fundraising = Help with the sale of our annual Mickman Brothers Christmas Wreaths
Baked Goods = Supply baked good for use during PSSA testing and appreciation days
Donations = Contribute items such as water, Capri Sun, and paper products, Ice Cream Store, etc.
Time (Non School) = Sorting fundraiser items
Time (School Hours) = Assist at the Scholastic Book Fair, assemblies, teacher appreciation week, orientations
Email us at ccwoodlandpto@gmail.com for more information.