
Publications/Graphic Design is a course in which students are challenged with the task of producing the Cameron County High School yearbook each year.  It is designed to introduce students to an exciting profession in publications with hands-on and communication experiences.  This course provides opportunities to gain experience in various roles such as advertising sales representative dealing with customers, advertisement design creations, marketing, sales, and receipt of payments.  Students are also expected to develop responsibility, self-discipline, financial literacy, time management, teamwork, leadership, and communication skills by working with the publication company representative.  Students will learn to use computers as well as other forms of technology to promote the school in a positive way through the yearbook.  Publications/Graphic Design provides an opportunity to master skills with Adobe Photoshop Elements, StudioWorks, and MS Publisher.     

Students wishing to become a member of the yearbook staff are required to complete an application, which can be obtained from Mrs. Groeger.  Along with the application, interested students must submit Teacher Recommendation Forms from two faculty members.  The application, teacher recommendations, and photo submissions are evaluated by a committee of adults and current staff members to determine who will be selected to join the yearbook staff.  The identity of the applicants in this process are kept anonymous, with the selection committee seeing only the scores from the teacher recommendations and the photographs submitted. Regular attendance at school is also a contributing factor for final evaluation.  

While this graded course requires a lot of hard work, students find it to be rewarding, as they learn many life skills and work ethic, along with being a part of a close knit group.

Yearbook order forms, fundraising information letter, and Senior parent letter are available to be downloaded here. These letters and forms will not be mailed or sent home. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Groeger by email:, or by phone: 814-489-2100 x. 1161. 

Yearbook is asking for anyone that has pictures from any school events that they are willing to share with us for possible use in the yearbook to please email Mrs. Groeger and she will add you to Google Classrooms Yearbook Picture "Class" and you can then easily upload your pictures through there.  Thank you for your help!